Brainstorming Energy

Brainstorming Energy

from $250.00

This particular service made it onto the list for one simple reason - I (Hilary) LOVE to brainstorm. In fact, my dream job title might be Idea Generator or Master Brainstormer. (Sometime, ask me about how I manage the many, many ideas I think of in a day.)

Whether you need an extra hand (brain) or someone to facilitate a brainstorming session with your team, I’m here for you.

Why would you want me on your team?

  • Insatiable curiosity

  • Love for idea generation

  • Experience leading brainstorming sessions

  • Experience in 3 industries, 5 countries, and 19 U.S. states

This service is variable by duration and the role you’d like me to play.

If you don’t see the option you’re looking for, send a message or schedule a Free 30 Minute Conversation and we’ll discuss.

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I’m available via Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom, in-person in the Denver area (other areas by request).