Resume Review - Basic

Resume Review - Basic


Are you in the market for a new job? Constable HR's resume review service combines almost 20 years of experience in HR with an honest passion to see people getting jobs they love. This simple process will ensure that you end up with the resume you want and need. It includes:

·        A formal review by Founder, Hilary Constable

·        A 30-minute conversation with Hilary to discuss your goals and any specific questions you may have

·        Written resume feedback from Hilary

·        A copy of your resume that includes any specific notes Hilary has about her suggestions

Hilary’s goal is to give you her most valuable insights from her experience as a Recruiter and a Hiring Manager so that you’ll have the best resume to get that job you’ve had your eye on. In the end, you choose which suggestions to use and which to ignore.

Submit Request

1. Send a Word version of your resume to Constable HR. (The specific address will be sent to you after you've submitted your request.)

2. Hilary does an initial review of your resume within 24 hours of receiving it and replies to your email with an update and a link to schedule a discussion.

3. You'll have a call with Hilary to discuss any questions about your resume. This can be done via phone, Skype, or Google Hangouts. The request form will ask for your preference.

4. Hilary sends you the formal review of your resume, which will include any comments or suggested focus areas clearly and a summary of any overall thoughts within 24 hours of your call.

5. You make any changes that you agree with and begin sending out your updated resume.